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当前位置:首页 > 胡劲松 > 研究成果 > 论文2013-2003
时间:2013-05-22 浏览:

49   Yu-Ping Xiao, Shuo Wan, Xing Zhang, Jin-Song Hu, Zi-Dong Wei and Li-Jun WanHanging Pt hollow nanocrystal assemblies on graphene resulting in an enhanced lectrocatalyst,

Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 1033110333

48   Ding-Jiang Xue, Jia-Hui Tan, Jin-Song Hu, Wen-Ping Hu, Yu-Guo Guo, and Li-Jun WanAnisotropic photoresponse properties of single micrometer-sized GeSe nanosheet,

Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 45284533

47   Jian-Jun Wang, Jin-Song Hu, Yu-Guo Guo and Li-Jun WanWurtzite Cu2ZnSnSe4 nanocrystals for high-performance organicinorganic hybrid photodetectors,

NPG Asia Materials, (2012) 4, e2

46   An-Min Cao, Jin-Song Hu & Li-Jun WanMorphology control and shape evolution in 3D hierarchical superstructures,

Sci China Chem, 2012, 55(11), 22492256

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