1. Chun-Peng Yang, Sen Xin, Ya-Xia Yin, Huan Ye, Juan Zhang, Yu-Guo Guo*
An Advanced Selenium-Carbon Cathode for Rechargeable Lithium-Selenium Batteries
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 8363-8367. (Highlighted by Materials Views China)

2. Ya-Xia Yin, Sen Xin, Yu-Guo Guo*, Li-Jun Wan*
Li-S Batteries: Electrochemistry, Materials and Prospects
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 13186-13200

3. Xiaosi Zhou, Li-Jun Wan, Yu-Guo Guo*
Binding SnO2 Nanocrystals in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Sheets as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Adv. Mater., 2013, 25, 2152-2157 (入选2013年度“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”)

4. Xing-Long Wu, Yu-Guo Guo,* Jing Su, Jun-Wei Xiong, Ya-Li Zhang, Li-Jun Wan
Carbon-Nanotube-Decorated Nano-LiFePO4@C Cathode Material with Superior High-Rate and Low-Temperature Performances for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Adv. Energy Mater., 2013, 3, 1155-1160. (Highlighted by Materials Views China)
5. Ya You, Xing-Long Wu, Ya-Xia Yin, Yu-Guo Guo*
A zero-strain insertion cathode material of nickel ferricyanide for sodium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 14061-14065. (Cover)
6. Huan Ye, Ya-Xia Yin, Sen Xin, Yu-Guo Guo*
Tuning the porous structure of carbon hosts for loading sulfur toward long lifespan cathode materials of Li-S batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 6602-6608
7. J. Su, X.-L. Wu, J.-S. Lee, J. Kim, Y.-G. Guo*
A carbon-coated Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode material with an enhanced high-rate capability and long lifespan for lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 2508-2514
8. Xiaosi Zhou, Yu-Guo Guo*
A PEO-assisted electrospun silicon/graphene composite as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 9019-9023.
9. Xiaosi Zhou, Li-Jun Wan, Yu-Guo Guo*
Synthesis of MoS2 nanosheet–graphene nanosheet hybrid materials for stable lithium storage
Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 1838-1840
10. Xiaosi Zhou, Li-Jun Wan, Yu-Guo Guo*
Electrospun Silicon Nanoparticles/Porous Carbon Hybrid Nanofibers for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Small, 2013, 9, 2684-2688
11. Xing-Long Wu, Yu-Guo Guo,* Li-Jun Wan
Rational Designs of Anode Materials Based on Group IVA Elements (Si, Ge and Sn) for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Chem-Asian J., 2013, 8, 1948-1958. (Invited Focus Review)
12. Ding-Jiang Xue, Fei Jiao, Hui-Juan Yan, Wei Xu, Daoben Zhu, Yu-Guo Guo,* Li-Jun Wan*
Synthesis of Wurtzite Cu2ZnGeSe4 Nanocrystals and Their Thermoelectric Properties
Chem-Asian J., 2013, 8, 2383-2387
13. Jian-Jun Wang, Ai-Feng Lv, Yong-Qing Wang, Bo Cui, Hui-Juan Yan, Jin-Song Hu, Wen-Ping Hu, Yu-Guo Guo*, Li-Jun Wan*
Integrated Prototype Nanodevices via SnO2 Nanoparticles Decorated SnSe Nanosheets
Sci. Rep., 2013, 3, 2613; DOI:10.1038/srep02613
14. Ya-Xia Yin, Sen Xin, Yu-Guo Guo*
Nanoparticles Engineering for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 2013, 30, 737-853 (Invited Progress Report)
15. Sen Xin,Ya-Xia Yin, Li-Jun Wan, Yu-Guo Guo*
Encapsulation of Sulfur in a Hollow Porous Carbon Substrate for Superior Li-S Batteries with Long Lifespan
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 2013, 30, 321-325 (Back Cover)
16. Yang Yan, Ya-Xia Yin, Sen Xin, Jing Su, Yu-Guo Guo,* Li-Jun Wan*
High-safety lithium-sulfur battery with prelithiated Si/C anode and ionic liquid electrolyte
Electrochim. Acta, 2013, 91, 58-61
17. Yan-Hua Li, Xing-Long Wu, Jee-Hoon Kim, Sen Xin, Jing Su, Yang Yan, Jong-Sook Lee, Yu-Guo Guo*
A Novel Polymer Electrolyte with Improved High-Temperature-Tolerance up to 170 °C for High-Temperature Lithium-Ion Batteries
J. Power Sources, 2013, 244, 234-239
18. Xing-Long Wu, Yan-Hua Li, Na Wu, Sen Xin, Jee-Hoon Kim, Yang Yan, Jong-Sook Lee, Yu-Guo Guo*
Enhanced working temperature of PEO-based polymer electrolyte via porous PTFE film as an efficient heat resister
Solid State Ionics, 2013, 245–246, 1–7
19. Zhe Chen, Yang Yan, Sen Xin, Wei Li, Jin Qu, Yu-Guo Guo*, Wei-Guo Song*
Copper germanate nanowire/reduced graphene oxide anode materials for high energy lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 11404-11409.
20. Jin Qu, Yang Yan, Ya-Xia Yin, Yu-Guo Guo*, Wei-Guo Song*
Improving the Li-Ion Storage Performance of Layered Zinc Silicate through the Interlayer Carbon and Reduced Graphene Oxide Networks
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 5777–5782
21. Jin Qu, Ya-Xia Yin, Yong-Qing Wang, Yang Yan, Yu-Guo Guo*, Wei-Guo Song*
Layer Structured α-Fe2O3 Nanodisk/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites as High Performance Anode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 3932-3936
22. X. Zhou*, Z. Dai, J. Bao, Y.-G. Guo*
Wet milled synthesis of Sb/MWCNT nanocomposite for improved sodium storage
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 13727–13731.
23. X. Zhou*, J. Bao, Z. Dai,* Y.-G. Guo*
Tin Nanoparticles Impregnated in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 25367-25373
24. Wei, Guo, Ya-Xia Yin, Hui-Juan Yan, Yu-Guo Guo*
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of poly-[2, 5-di-n-(2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethyl-4-piperidine–n-oxyl) benzamide] aniline as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries
J. Mol. Eng. Mater., 2013, 1(4), 1340019.
25. Z. Liang, R. Huo, Y.-X. Yin, F. Zhang, S. Xu,* Y.-G. Guo
Carbon-supported Ni@NiO/Al2O3 integrated nanocomposite derived from layered double hydroxide precursor as cycling-stable anode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Electrochim. Acta, 2013, 108, 429-434
26. 苏婧,吴兴隆,郭玉国*
J. Su, X.-L. Wu, Y.-G. Guo*
LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4/C 纳米复合材料的制备与电化学性能研究
The Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4/C Nanocomposite
无机材料学报, 2013, 28, 1248-1254
J. Inorg. Mater., 2013, 28, 1248-1254
27. 陈强, 努丽燕娜,* 郭维, 杨军, 王久林, 郭玉国*
Q. Chen, Y.-N. Nuli,* W. Guo, J. Yang, J.-L. Wang, Y.-G. Guo*
PTMA/Graphene as a Novel Cathode Material for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries
物理化学学报, 2013, 29, 2295-2299
Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2013, 29, 2295-2299
28. 王永庆, 郭玉国*, 万立骏*
Y. Q. Wang, Y. G. Guo*, L. J. Wan*
Inkjet-printed thin films of nanostructured electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries (in Chinese)
科学通报, 2013, 58, 3227-3232
Chin. Sci. Bull. (Chin Ver), 2013, 58, 3227-3232